Miami Vehicles and Tribes 3
- Details
- Written by: Falcon911
- Category: Tribes 3 : Rivals
- Hits: 2200
Welcome to the Miami Vehicles Website,
I know there not really much here to see or look at right now. But to be truthful, there alot of hype right now in my mind for me to dust off the Tribes 2 jersey and get back into the Tribes universe. BUT, as you may or may not know, there is a new Tribes iteration comming out and the name is Tribes 3:Rivals on Steam. You can play this when the playtesting is out and the Developers at Prophecy Games have been pouring their devotion in to this game. Truthfully, there seems to be an update about every 1-2 weeks lately.
I know it has been a long time since Tribes 2 closed and there not really much to say from all these years away from the Tribes 2...but I do miss it. I wanted to reach out and say what's in store with the Tribes 3:Rivals and how it plays into Miami Vehicles community in it's current beta test phase.
I have been going thru the Offical Tribes 3: TRIBES 3: Rivals Discord Q &A and feedbacks. I'm beginng to see alot of players stating the they are more and more looking forward to the lore of Tribes 2 to make a come back in this iteration of the series.
To quote a few I found:
"Will we be getting base assets like inventory stations, this is an important aspect of the tribes gameplay loop. Currently defenders can just ignore things like generators because there’s no big consequence for losing them. Having assets like inventory stations that are nessissary to access your load outs disrupts the current gameplay loop of sit on flag by giving defenders more objectives in order to assist their team in securing flag caps"
"Will we see the return of vehicles such as the Mobile Point Base and large Bomber vehicle? Would be awesome to have more tactical options and things for players to do such as supporting a forward operating base near the enemy base or conducting bombing runs to clear the flag of blockers and destroy turrets etc"
"I know several other people have already mentioned this but what are we looking forward to? What parts of the tribes we all grew up on will be returning in the future updates. Will we get base assets like inventory stations and alike, will we get vehicles, bigger teams, bigger maps, game modes? I love tribes and playing CTF is fun but right now it’s more like tribes lite compared to other entries in the series and I would love to see the full spirit of the game realized While the progression of the Tribes 3: Rivals is in it's infancy. I applaud the Developers on thier constant making chages to the game after the playtests. I know they have the passion on making this a great game in the near future"
But alas, as it is right now this will not be a tribes worthy for the MV brand due in it's curent itteration, it does just not feel like a Tribes 2 remake and since thats what made this Community and the Houston Vehicles Community great 20+ years ago. I do not forsee that MV will partipicate in this Tribes 3: Rivals unless there is some kind of drastic change in the base game. I'm looking forward to the Tribes 2 Community in making their point to the devs that in order to bring back the Tribes 2 feel.
Thanks you for your time and if things change this will be updated!!